
                 TNT CANDLES
Here at TNT CANDLES we strive to make the best quality candles with the strongest scent throws. We have an assortment of candle scents, colors and different size and shape containers. We only make container candles with quality all natural, clean burning, soot free soy wax and cotton wicks. So here's what you do:

                               1. Go to Fragrance List and pick your fragrance.
                               2. Go to Color List and pick your colors.
                               3. Go to Container Choices and choose your container.
                               4. Go to Contact Us and tell us what fragrance, color and
                                               container you want. Don't forget to leave your
                                                name and email address so we can email you.
                                5. Check your Inbox for email from     
                                                 [email protected]
                                                 for pricing and shipping information.

We also offer container candles that we have in stock ready to go. Contact us to see what we have available. 

         [email protected]